mercredi, novembre 03, 2004

the axis of evil supper club

Props to Christi and Lynne for taking me out for a tasty goodbye lunch. As we weren't feeling celebratory about national politics, we took some time to strategize how we'd create a geographically noncontiguous nation that only included the blue states. Advantages: We'd control most of the nation's ports and hold the red states hostage with port taxes.

We also spitballed some names for a group that would get together for dinner and (political talk?) on a regular basis:
  • The Axis of Evil Supper Club
  • The Dinner Underground
  • The Better Half
  • The non-cowboys and indians
  • All Your Ports Are Belong To Us
  • The Lefta and Raita
  • The Curry Taskforce
  • Something that incorporates all the labels that rightwing nutjobs use to stereotype slander us: godless, gay, feminist, liberal, pinko, commie...
If you are an open-minded tolerant smart liberal and like to surround yourself with other elitist discerning folk, apply here.

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