mardi, mars 01, 2005

march is kidney cancer awareness month

Like most people, I had never heard of kidney cancer until I was told I had it at age 27. My only symptom was back pain.

Get educated:

Kidney cancer often manifests itself with painless urination of blood. However, blood in the urine can indicate other diseases besides kidney cancer, such as kidney stones. Often, blood in the urine will occur one day and not the next. Whenever it happens, a doctor should evaluate this symptom immediately.

Other common symptoms of kidney cancer include the presence of an abdominal mass or hard lump and/or back pain. Kidney cancer occurs most often in men over the age of 40. Since back pain is common among people over 40 years of age, such pain is often ignored. Kidney cancer often goes undiagnosed or is mis-diagnosed until it has spread (metastasized). As a result, 15-25% of kidney cancer patients have metastatic disease at time of diagnosis.

Renal cell carcinoma symptoms
Symptom Patients
Blood in the urine 59%
Abdominal mass 45%
Back or flank pain 41%
Weight loss 28%
Low blood counts (anemia) 21%
Tumor calcification on x-ray 13%
Symptoms of metastases 10%
Fever 9%
High calcium in blood 7%
High blood counts 7%

Source: D.F. Paulson, C.A. Perez, T. Anderson, in V.T. DeVita, S. Hellman, S.A. Rosenberg, editors, Principles of Oncology, 2nd Edition, Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1987, Volume 1, Chapter 27, page 896.

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