lundi, avril 04, 2005

por la verdad, memoria y justicia

I went to the exhibit about the desaparecidos yesterday. It was powerful, horrible, and beautiful. I stood alone, tears streaming down my face as I read the many words of tribute written by mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters on the birthdays of their loved ones. At one point, I just had to sit down.

This is one of the tributes that resonated with me:
Alfredo Gonzalez
Detenido - Desaparecido
el 4 de marzo de 1978
Gota a gota, la gota de agua perfora la piedra.
Así pasará en la conciencia de los asesinos de mi hijo.
- En tu cumpleaños, tu mamá y tu gran familia.
Alfredo Gonzalez
Detained - Disappeared
March 4, 1978
Drop by drop, the drop of water perforates the stone.
That's what will happen to the conscience of my son's assassins.
- On your birthday, your mother and family.

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