mercredi, août 31, 2005

this is a shoutout to water-throwing pessimists everywhere

We all need a water-throwing pessimist (or two) in our lives.

You know the one — the friend who's a reality check and says what you probably didn't want to hear, but definitely needed to. This is the friend you consult on sticky subjects like matters of the heart. And the one you ask these fun questions:
-Is he really that into me?
-And (after the break-up that blindsides you) what's the proper way to move on emotionally?
-Later still, how do you handle loneliness if you're someone who hates "me-time"?

Thanks to my personal WTPs. I'll be back for your advice on Stratego, arpeggiation, and brokering peace in the Middle East. Or maybe I'll just stick to subjects you actually know something about...

These are for you:
Q: Why does Snoop Dogg carry around an umbrella?
A: Fo' drizzle.

Q: What does Snoop Dogg use to get his whites white?
A: Blee-atch!

Snoop Dogg jokes shamelessly nicked from nerdboy

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