samedi, septembre 10, 2005

five questions

I recently heard this rubric for determining compatibility with a romantic interest.
  1. What kind of music do you listen to?
    Rationale: You need a reasonable amount of aesthetic overlap.
  2. What religion are you?
    Rationale: Your values need to sync up.
  3. Are you a vegetarian?
    Rationale: You've got to be able to eat together. And the answer to this question can give you a lot of information about his/her personality.
  4. Have you ever cheated on [or been cheated on by] your partner?
    Rationale: Someone who has cheated on someone else is likely to cheat on you, too.
  5. What are your vices?
    Rationale: As with question 1, there needs to be enough overlap for you to get along.

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