vendredi, août 19, 2005

comfortable in my own skin

"A healthy body is the guest-chamber of the soul; a sick, its prison."
-Francis Bacon (1541-1626), English philosopher, statesman, spy, freemason, and essayist.

I finally love my body and am comfortable in my own skin. Part of it was the Harry experience. But a bigger part is that I've lost 50 pounds since Christmas, in a healthy and sustainable way.

I love that I'm strong, that my muscles are toned, that I can run on a treadmill without feeling like my heart's gonna explode right out of my chest, and that my clothes hug my curves in all the right places.

It feels amazing to have taken control of the one area where success has eluded me all my life.

1 commentaire:

Christine a dit…

Go you! That's an amazing amount of weight to lose. Better yet that you are feeling good about yourself. (Although I thought you were a beauty before too).