dimanche, septembre 25, 2005

my toastmasters speech archive

Adventures in Online Dating: How I went from no dates to 14 dates with six different guys in one month to finding the love of my life.

The Maudlin Politico: About my weird fascination with all things political and why I get goosebumps and feel my heart in my throat each time I step into the voting booth.

No Such Thing as a Bad Day: Why cancer is the best thing that ever happened to me
C&L manual, speech #10: Inspire your audience

How to Lose 60 IQ Points: My many miscommunications while traveling / living abroad
C&L manual, speech #6: Vocal variety

Video Games Will Rot Your Mind: About being a Jeopardy! contestant
C&L manual, speech #2: Organize your speech

Happily Ever After: How I got my name
C&L manual, speech #1: Icebreaker speech

The Key to Understanding Me: My biography, as represented by my keychain
C&L manual, speech #4: How to say it

Doing Strange Things to Their Dogs With Forks: A speech about hallucinating French people, art, and bread
C&L manual, speech #7: Research your topic

Chasing Away the Predators: Women's rights — or the lack thereof— worldwide
C&L manual, speech #9: Persuade with power

Touching Things Up: What touch means across cultures
C&L manual, speech #5: Your body speaks

Taming the Dragon: Dragons across cultures
C&L manual, speech #8: Visual aids

The 10 C's: My moviegoing experiences
C&L manual, speech #3: Get to the point

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